Shower Ideas for Your Next Bathroom Renovation

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How you set up your bathroom can speak a lot about your personality. A poorly renovated bathroom with bland colors can’t create a lasting impact. Read on to find out some innovative shower ideas for your bathroom.

Make Your Showerheads Colorful

Taking a shower with style has become the new norm.

You don’t want plain and dull-colored showerheads; vibrant colors will add all the drama you need. While a white color showerhead can give your bathroom a crisp look, colors like orange or yellow can enhance its trendy appearance.

Also, you must ensure that the color theme of the whole bathroom is consistent so that it doesn’t look messy.

Try Different Types of Showers

Brace yourselves as you look at some of the spiciest shower types:

  1. Power Shower:No one likes to shower in low pressure. If you want to feel the cold water hitting your body in the morning, the power shower is the perfect option for you. Water pressure scales will go off the charts once you install it and you can adjust the pressure to your liking.
  2. Digital Shower:If you’re a perfectionist who likes things to be as accurate as possible, then the digital shower can be your best friend in the bathroom. The shower offers water at specific temperatures and can also be synced with your electronic devices.
  3. Electric Shower: Do you sometimes want a hot shower to release the stress? If the answer’s yes, then an electric shower is the perfect gadget for getting an instant hot shower. It uses electricity to heat water, so even if your boiler isn’t working, you won’t miss out on a hot shower.

Merge Your Shower with A Bathtub

Understandably, you may want to use a shower or a bathtub according to your mood. If you want to be flexible in your choice, merging the shower and a bathtub is an ideal option for you.

If your bathroom has limited space, getting a shower and a tub can make the space look cramped up and prevent you from having the freedom to move around in your bathroom.

A shower merged with a bathtub

If you’re on a budget and can’t afford to get your whole bathroom renovated, there’s an easy way out for you. Visit Reglazing Plus, Inc. to get your tiles and bathtubs reglazed. We provide lining services to offer a new and fresh look to your bathroom. We can also modify your bathtubs and convert them into walk-in tubs. Our special discount offers make bathroom remodeling affordable for our clients. We have been offering high-quality bathroom renovation services in Brooklyn, New York, for over twenty years now.

Contact us now for more information.

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